Ticket refunds and compensation FAQs

Frequently asked questions about how to get a refund.

Ticket refunds and changes

Online booking

You can change or refund your ticket by going to My Account

Remember, not all tickets can be changed or refunded. But don’t worry, we’ll let you know if this is the case in the Purchase History section of My Account.

Telephone booking

You can change or refund your ticket by calling us on 0333 311 0039

Remember, not all tickets can be changed or refunded. But don’t worry, we’ll let you know if this is the case when you contact us.

Station booking

If you booked your ticket at a train station, simply return to the station and hand your unused ticket to a member of booking office staff. If your ticket qualifies for a refund they will ask you to complete a quick form and sign it. They’ll then process your refund.

Remember, not all tickets can be changed or refunded.


Refunds can be claimed straight after the ticket purchase and up to 28 days after the ticket expiry date. The expiry date depends on the terms and conditions of the ticket you have purchased.


If you've received your tickets in the post, or you've already collected them from the station

Please post your tickets back to the address below by tracked delivery. When we receive your ticket, we will process your refund within 5 working days. The money will be refunded to the original account the tickets were purchased with.

PO Box 23972

If you have not yet collected your tickets from the station

You do not need to collect your tickets to get a refund.

If your tickets are still in the machine and you’ve requested a refund, then there’s nothing you need to do. We’ll send you a confirmation email once we get your request, then we’ll process your refund within 5 days. The money will go back to your original payment method.

Digital tickets

  • Before we can process a refund for a Mobile ticket, you’ll need to remove the ticket from your device. Tickets already activated are non-refundable.
  • For etickets no action is required.

We’ll then process your refund within 5 days.

Season tickets

  • Sign in to your Season Ticket account.
  • Select your active Season ticket and click 'Refund' in the bottom left corner.
  • Download and complete the Refund Application Form and with a photo of your season ticket cut in half, email them to us using this form. If you have any issues the application form then just write the information direct in the email itself.
  • If you have a digital Season Ticket, you don’t need to send a photo.
  • It can take up to 28 days to get your refund.

Advance Single Tickets

Advance Single tickets cannot be refunded but they can be changed...

Changes are only allowed for a different time/date of travel, so you need to stick to the same departure and arrival stations. You must change your ticket at least 15 mins before your original train is due to depart.

The difference in cost between the original and new ticket is charged in addition to a £10 admin fee per ticket per person. It is not possible to purchase a cheaper fare than the original. To make changes online then please visit My Bookings.

Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak and Anytime tickets

These types of ticket can’t be changed, sorry. But, they are refundable so you can cancel these and buy the new ones you want. Just check out our FAQ for cancelling bookings.

Just to remind you that these tickets are flexible tickets, so it’s worth first double checking to see if they are valid for the new time or date you want to travel.


If the train you planned to catch is delayed or cancelled and you decide not to travel, you can return your unused ticket (except Season Tickets) for a full refund. And we won’t charge our normal administration fee.

If the train service is running normally and you decide not to travel, the way you apply for a refund depends on how you bought your ticket.

Note that some tickets are non-refundable. But we’ll let you know at the time of your refund application. If your ticket is eligible for a refund, you will also have to pay an administration charge of up to £10.

For more information on refunds, please see our Refunds & Exchanges page.


Please check if the type of ticket you have purchased is refundable (for example, Advance Single tickets are typically non-refundable).

If your e-Ticket is refundable - or you are seeking to change your ticket - please contact the issuer of your e-Ticket.

If this was at a station, please contact the station direction; if this was online please contact the retailer using the details shown on your booking confirmation email.

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Season ticket refunds

If you no longer need your Season Ticket, you can apply for a refund as long as it still has at least 7 days’ validity remaining (or 3 days for 7-day Season Tickets). The refund is calculated from the date we receive the ticket. Due to the discounted nature of Season Tickets, they have no refund value after 10 months and 13 days.

If you are unable to use our online form, as an alternative you can still hand in your ticket to the original purchase location. Or, you can post it to the appropriate refunds department listed below. Refunds are not calculated on a pro rata basis: we will refund the difference between the price you originally paid and the normal cost of daily return travel for the period, to include monthly, weekly and daily tickets as appropriate. This is from the date the Season Ticket started until the date we received it (less a £10 administration fee).

Station and other channel refunds


Web refunds

West Midlands Railway
PO Box 23972
Edinburgh EH3 5DA


Telephone or website booking

You can change or refund your Season Ticket by calling us on 0161 468 7135 or by logging into your account.

Station booking

If your ticket qualifies for a refund please present your ticket to any West Midlands Railway or London Northwestern Railway station ticket office.


  • Refunds on Season Tickets are calculated from the date the refund was applied for. Your Season Ticket must have at least seven days remaining on a monthly or longer season and at least three days for a seven day season to be eligible
  • Refunds are not calculated on a pro rata basis and in some cases the residual value less a £10 administration fee may result in no refund being payable

Tickets can only be refunded at the point of issue. If your ticket was ordered from the website, please visit My Account and select ‘Apply for a Refund of your Season Ticket’. If you hand in your ticket to a station, they will forward it to us, however, this may take some time to arrive at our office and will delay your refund.


If you forget your Season Ticket you can recover the cost of additional tickets purchased for travel up to twice a year.

You are entitled to the following refund - First Occasion - Full refund Second Occasion - Refund less a £10 administration fee Third and any subsequent occasions within a 12-month period - No Refund.

To claim a refund, log in to the My account section of the website and download the form, Apply for a Refund of Daily or Weekly tickets. Print the form and attach the tickets or receipts for the tickets purchased and send them by recorded delivery to:

West Midlands Railway Season Tickets
PO Box 23971

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Delay Repay compensation

You can apply by completing our online Delay Repay form.

If you have a ticket on Smartcard: where prompted to upload a copy of your ticket, please upload an image of the front of your Smartcard showing your name (if applicable) and the card number.

Make a claim through our Delay Repay scheme

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